Tuesday 25 August 2015

No! 아니요

No (아니요 - aniyo)  It's probably the first word we all learn.  Would not be surprised if it was my first word and it's a word Papi knows all too well.
But he is this unique little bundle of joy.  He wants his food and will follow me around the house getting under my feet to the point I stand and trip on him all the time. 
But without fail, every single night, I will put his food bowl down... he'll have a sniff and then walk off as if I've given him the most disgusting dinner ever.
Every... single... time..
He will literally almost end my life in the process and then sniff and walk away.

Cats, can't live with them... Can't live without them.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Busy 바쁜

Busy (바쁜 - bappeun) is a word I figured I needed to learn fairly quickly... As I'm always busy, even when I'm not
You see, I'm a procrastinator.  That automatically makes me busy. 
If I say, I did nothing on my day off.  It literally means I've left myself a million and one things to do later... Which then makes me busy, which then makes me tired, which then makes me procrastinate.
It's a sick sad cycle. 
Papi's presence in my life is felt immensely, as I never alone with him around, but the down side is when I need a little bit of help... Well... Yeah, he's never gonna over. 

Tuesday 4 August 2015



[Beep boop beep boop]  We've gone digital!
I've finally figured out how to use technology! 
Errrrmmm well I actually do know how to use technology (sometimes).
Anyways, I got myself a fandangled fancy pen for my iPad which makes drawing/painting really fun and easy-ish. 

So, if I'm not a super lazy bum (which I'm prone to be), you'll be seeing more cute Papi comics!  Yays! *\(^o^)/*