Monday 29 June 2015

Learning Korean

Bed - Chimdae
As some of you may know, I'm learning Korean.  Why?  You know that feeling you get when it's something your soul just desires.  I get that feeling when I see and hear things Korean.
Right now I'm trying really really really hard to learn how to pronounce and speak Korean.  However, I am terrible!  So bad!  I always forget everything.  I hear it and then 3 seconds later, I've forgotten.
My Songsangnim (선생님 - teacher) asked us the other day how much we remember after a few days.  Most of us admitted we remember barely anything (me, I remember nothing!!!).
Being the bless that she is, she gave us a tip on how to learn.  Revise a word a day. At the end of the week revise those words again and most would've been forgotten ... At the end of the month review all the words again.  And again most words would've been forgotten.

How does this help?  Well, eventually (probably decades later) we will remember those words.  
So, Papi is going to be my remember a word a day.  Let's see how well I do. I'll try to update this as much as possible.
Hello, is this Papi's house?

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Cat Lovers vs. The World

It's a known fact that if you love those furry little love balls then their emotionless faces are delicious to the point of smooching overload. *salivates*

But unfortunately there's a lot of haters in this world... I don't understand why or how either... 
So to them they just don't see the incredible adorable little fur beings that we see. 
And it's a big old shame for them and a BIG win for us!

Thursday 18 June 2015


See what I did there?  Eh... eh... eh?!  I kill myself.

But on a serious note, I procrastinate like there is no tomorrow.  Literally!  And then I get in this massive panic because there is a tomorrow and I've left it all to the last minute.

It's like self-punishment.  I know my body hates stress (ME/CFS hates it so much it literally makes my body shut down) but I never learn and keep doing it. 

I'm this adrenaline junkie.  I get so run down and so tired that I crash (ME/CFS doesn't help).
Then I fall days behind (sometimes weeks) and this sick sad cycle continues.

Maybe one day I'll learn to time management better.

Until then, here's an image I promised to edit 7 months ago.  Mr. Charlston McKnight - Your Local Gangster.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

I DO... not

When you get the call on a Sunday morning from a friend that needs you to help with a wedding they're shooting that day.  You say to yourself, "HELL NO! NEVER AGAIN!"  But it's for the second shoot only, it'll be more relaxed, they say. 

Your heart beats faster, the air becomes thin, beads of sweat appear... "No... no really I can't"

Then that word appears - experience.   Dammit!  

I do need the experience.  Dammit.  

So there I was thinking I was doing swimmingly for about 30mins. When I finally looked at my camera, I had it on the wrong setting the whole time.  So those images aren't the quality they should've been... What a waste. 

Fix the settings... and feel that it's all good now.  

Get home... upload the images... and then scream "NEVER AGAIN!"  

What you thought was at least a hundred good images turns out to be about 10.  

Yeah... I am not a wedding photographer.