Thursday 18 June 2015


See what I did there?  Eh... eh... eh?!  I kill myself.

But on a serious note, I procrastinate like there is no tomorrow.  Literally!  And then I get in this massive panic because there is a tomorrow and I've left it all to the last minute.

It's like self-punishment.  I know my body hates stress (ME/CFS hates it so much it literally makes my body shut down) but I never learn and keep doing it. 

I'm this adrenaline junkie.  I get so run down and so tired that I crash (ME/CFS doesn't help).
Then I fall days behind (sometimes weeks) and this sick sad cycle continues.

Maybe one day I'll learn to time management better.

Until then, here's an image I promised to edit 7 months ago.  Mr. Charlston McKnight - Your Local Gangster.

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