Wednesday 8 June 2016

To The Beautiful You

Living in this self aware modern age for an introvert is quite difficult. 
Today's norm is to talk about how wonderful, awesome and incredible you are. 
But if you are an introvert this sort of self proclamation is nerve wracking and stomach twisting. 

Once upon a time modesty was a very beautiful attribute to have.  Even in the workplace. And because of modesty a person's work & attributes would speak for themselves. 
But now it's about who can sell themselves the best and loudest. 

Sure, if a person is all talk and no show, it's very evident in the poor quality of their work. But unfortunately they're the ones getting the jobs over the quiet introverts who are more than likely much more qualified for the job. Which is a real shame. 

We now live in a highly saturated society full of selfies and over confident mediocre nothingness. And we all know that basic is tragic. Unfortunately those who call others basic are in fact quite basic themselves. No one actually cares how cool you are. Like, no one!

So, looking forward, choose to be quiet and let the words you don't need to speak, speak for you. Your attitude, kindness and most of all, the work you produce will speak highly & loudly for you. 
You don't need to self advertise. Let modesty be the norm again.

Credit: Illustration by Jessica (me!), quote by anonymous 

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