Friday 27 March 2015


I read an incredible quote the other day “Stay away from negative people.  They have a problem for every solution.”

I would like to say it struck a chord, but it didn’t.  I’ve known this for a very long time.  These people will never change.  And for some reason I attract them.  And worst of all, I let them bring me down.

In my new found profoundness I am doing all I can do to eliminate these negative people and their negative energy.  I am going to change my life.  I’m not going to get stuck (like I have been), I’m going places and these people can stay in their sad bubble not changing even though the solution is right there in front of them.

I want to move to South Korea.  I’m putting it out there in the universe to bubble away and grow into my future.   It’s what I want!  And I’m going to get what I want!!!

I’m meeting new people (Koreans) and I’m loving it.  I go out for dinner (which I don’t think I’ve ever done) and when I take photos with them… they’re beautiful.  Just meeting these people (even if it’s only for a brief moment) is igniting that ability to dream, aspire, and create for a better future.  My better future.

But most of all, I’m starting to believe in myself more.

One day, this blog is going to be about me experiencing a new way of life in South Korea. And I can't wait for that day! That is the ultimate dream. 

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