Sunday 14 February 2016

Happy V-Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovers and lucky singles! And!!!! Happy first Fan Art Day to me! Wheee. I've always wanted to do fan art. And what better way to show my love and support than with an inappropriate Valentines Card.  Yes, I went there and it's GLORIOUS! 

Being a Fan-girl is nothing new to me. I've always been in love with celebs and slightly obsessed (not weirdly though) over them and imagined marrying them (I'm looking at you Leonardo Dicaprio, Taylor Hanson, Jonathon Taylor Thomas, JC Chasez, Joel Madden, Gerard Way, Kelly Slater, Gwen Stefani, Zooey Deschanel, Dick Van Dyke, Noel Fielding, Tuxedo Mask)  but it never caught me hooked line and sinker. It never changed my life like Kpop has. And now I'm back again in the world of popular culture.

I might as well be fresh meat in this pop fandom as it's been many years since I followed pop culture. I'm quite clueless about the new faces of pop stardom. I'm still quite oblivious to Kpop stars as well. I just listen to the music and dance, attempt to sing and what nots. 

Anyways, I have a little story on how I became [slightly] obsessed with Kpop.  

I had been introduced to Kpop for many years but it never really perpetuated into anything. I enjoyed it a lot, but you know. Eh.  It wasn't indie enough for me.  But then one fateful day (don't remember when but late 2013) my friend sent me a link to a music vid that would change my life forever. I would discover a whole new world, shining shimmering splendid (my words I swear... Ok I lie but Aladdin is the best, had a crush on him too). This one vivid moment etched into my memory forever. This moment where a man rapped his way into my heart and took my breath away. 

What music vid, you ask? The one and only Fantastic Baby by Big Bang.

At first, I was confused by all the dramatic sets and costume design. Sure the guys were hot but I didn't get it. All the pizazz! All that make up! I just didn't get it. Sure it was fun, but eh. 
But then at around 1.10 mins my world and my perception of men would change forever.

I still to do this day have no idea how TOP was able to take my breath away that made me do my little nervous laugh (I have a nervous laugh, it's awkward) and had to put the phone down for a few moments. But he did. 

Now for those who don't know this video he has bright icy blue hair and more eyeliner/eyeshadow I have ever seen on a man. And it was incredible!!! 

A guy at work has said to me for years that I was asian on the inside and would always say I'd marry an asian man. I scoffed at him. Not that I didn't find asian men attractive, I just noticed they liked certain kinds of girls and I wasn't that interested in the culture (yes, I'm aware there are many many many different asian cultures). 

But TOP changed that perception and I found a culture that I adore. 

There are far too many beautiful and quirky and slightly odd things about Korea that I would love to mention in this post. But this post would go on and on and on. 

The main thing is that finding TOP, Kpop, Korea has really brought out my true self. I never fit in much. And I probably don't fit in Korea either. But I feel I have more similarities there than here. Things western people find odd, I get. It's weird, but I really am similar.

So my Fan-girl-dom isn't of a 'traditional' sense where I obsess and cry and wail and scream and laugh and fall madly in love with an idol (*coughs* I'm telling the truth *coughs*) but it's rather one that opened my eyes to a beautiful and incredible culture that I had previously not known about.

So, thank you TOP for taking my heart and placing it in South Korea. One day, I'll go there and pick it up.

Happy Valentine's Day! *\(^O^)/* 

You can watch the vid here. It's incredible!!! 

Credit: Fan Art by Jessica (me!)

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