Tuesday 22 September 2015

|| Perpetual Youth ||

Some people never grow up.  Sometimes it's a maturity thing and quite painful when you have to deal with it.  But most of the time, it's just enjoying the fun little toys and Hello Kitty umbrellas that life has to offer.  An it's a known fact that it is impossible to grow out of Hello Kitty!  IMPOSSIBLE!

It was my birthday a few weeks ago.  I'm quite the bahumbug when it comes to celebrating my birthday that I often ruin the day for everyone around me.  One friend; however, was out of the country on that fateful day.
So when she got back she took me for coffee and bought me cake (or in this case Nanna's Slice)...
The cafĂ© owners (Happymaree - Yarraville... go there it's awesome!) were adorable and wonderful in the way they ran around looking for a candle and then sung me happy birthday.  Super adorbs and even better that it wasn't actually my birthday.
So I've reached another milestone in my life (it's awful and I hate it) but I love that I will never ever grow up and will always love Hello Kitty and stationary!  Thank you world for these wonderful things.


  1. What! It wasn't even your birthday!!! No more Nana Slice for you! ;)

    1. It was my birthday (at some point in time) in thought... It was a belated birthday. And I thoroughly enjoyed my Nana Slice and Choo choo train. ^.^
